Computer Laboratory
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- Lecture 1. [Basics of Computer]
- Lecture 2. [Area/Volume, Roots of Quadratic equation]
- Lecture 3. [Bubble soring and Mean,Median,Mode]
- Lecture 4. [Arithmetic and Geometric Progression]
- Lecture 5. [Matrix Addition and Multiplication]
Study Materials
- C programming language - Kerninghan and Ritchie.
- Computer Oriented Numerical Methods - V. Rajaraman.
- Computational Physics - D.Walker.
- Language: To familiarise with the hardware and the operating system and to solve simple problems by programming
in C as per the syllabus.
- Computer hardware: basic building blocks, central processing units, memory, hard disc, RAM. ROM, CD-ROM,
DVD, pen drive, memory units: bits and bytes, input-output devices.
- Computer software: Operating system, Windows, Unix/Linux
- Programmingin C: basic structure, character set, keywords, identifiers, constants, variables, type declaration,
operators --- arithmetic, rational, logical, assignment, increment, increment and decrement, operator precedence
and associativity, arithmetic expression, evaluation and type conversion character I/O, escape sequence
and formatted I/O, branching and looping, if, if-else, while, do-while, for, arrays (one and two dimensional).
- Numerical analysis:
- Sorting: arranging in ascending/descending order.
- Read N numbers ,find their mean, median, mode.
- Sum of a G.P. series term by term.
- Solution of a quadratic equation with real / complex roots.
- Simple matrix operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication).
- To use database package and word processor.
- Download DevC++ from