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Present Courses
Previous Courses
- Physics Honours (UG)
(Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics)
[This course invites on the non-equilibrium notion in Statphy through the fluctuations in correlations and Brownian walker.] (2021)
[Quantum Mechanics (Practical)]
[This course illustrates on using Python on solving problems of quantum mechanics. It uses Shooting method to solve TISE and TDSE].(2021)
- PHS-A-CC-1-1-P [Mathematical
Physics I (Practical)] [This is an introductory course on "Numerical Mathematics" using Python. It includes basics of
arithmatic operations, roots of quadratic equations, sorting, statistics, matrix operations & linear curve fitting, plot
using Gnuplot].(2018)
- PHS-A-CC-1-2-TH
(Mechanics) [The
course introduces GPM with an emphasis on flow properties of viscous fluid. Topics include Couette and Poiseuille
flow, hydrostatics. It also introduces non-intertial frames by contemplating Galilean relativity, pseudo
forces, gyrating frames & Foucault's pendulum].
- Paper VI (Unit II) (Solid State Physics
[This course introduces Condensed Matter Physics. After briefing on Crystal/amorphous structure and X-ray diffraction,
the course unfolds into crystal bonding, Free-electron theory and concludes with Band theory of solids.] (2017-19)
- Paper IIA (Unit I) (Thermal Physics
I) [This
course introduces Equilibrium & Non-equilibrium theory of Heat. Topics include assumptions of Kinetic Theory,
distribution laws, Brownian Motion and transport coefficients, Non-ideal gases, Heat conduction and Blackbody
radiation.] (2017)
- Paper IVA (Unit I) (Thermal Physics
II) [This
course introduces Thermodynamics, starting from 0th-3rd law, Maxwell relations and Thermodynamic
potentials, Low Temperature Physics and Phase Equilibria.] (2018-19)
- Paper VIIIB (Computer Laboratory)
course introduces "Numerical Mathematics" in high-level language C. It includes basics of coding and
performing arithmatic operations, solving algebraic equations in different geometry, root-finding, sorting and
statistics calculation, matrix operations, playing with primes, iterative solvers, interpolation and integration
methods.] (2017-19)
- Physics General (UG)
- Semester II: PHS-G-CC-2-2-TH (Induction
& Maxwell's Equation) [This
course unfolds in discussing Faraday's discoveries & Maxwell's equations for EM wave propagation. It lectures on motional
emf, self & mutual inductance, necessity for displacement current & Poynting's vector, Polarization]. (2019)
- Paper IB (Waves and Oscillations)
course discusses on the physics of Waves and Vibrations, starting from SHM and superposition, damped and forced SHM,
Wave equation in different geometry and Doppler effect.] (2017)
- Paper IVA (Communications)
[This course
discusses on principle of Communications. It motivates the subject by introducing propagation of EM wave,
transmission of such waves through media, modulation and demodulation.] (2017-2018)
- Paper IVB (Computer Laboratory)
courses teaches Numerical Mathematics in C. It includes basic coding and performing arithmatic operations,
solving algebraic equations on different geometry, finding roots, sorting, series solution and matrix operations].
- Environmental Sciences (Semester II) ENVC
24 (Energy and Environment) (PG) [The course introduces energy scales and their relative implications on the environment. After
introducing the basics of conventional/non-conventional energy sources, the course unfolds into energy management/policies
and energy security of Earth.] (2018)
- S. Paul (2018's UG Batch) has performed
his research with me at Asutosh College (2020-21).
- S. Anand (IISER Bhopal Ph.D. Student) distantly performed half-year long research with me (2019).
- A. Shetty (IIT-B
Engineering Physics student) did his Summer Research
with me at IISc Bangalore (2016).
- Bilingual tutor in the course Classical Field Theory given by Prof. Thomas Voigtmann at the
University of Konstanz (2013).
- M.Sc. student Martin Everts did his ausarbeitung
(Master's Thesis) in Flüssigkristalle (Liquid Crystal)
with me in the course
Materie und Ordnung at the University of Konstanz (2012).