Soft Matter Theory & Computational page of Amit Bhattacharjee

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I work at Asutosh College affiliated to the University of Calcutta. Previously, I had worked at Centre for Condensed Matter Theory, IISc Bangalore as a DST-INSPIRE faculty. I had worked as Assistant Research Scientist at Courant Institute (NYU) with Prof. Aleks Donev. Way before that, I was a DAAD-Helmholtz postdoctoral fellow at Institute of Materials (Köln) and University of Konstanz. I obtained doctorate in Soft Condensed Matter Theory from Matscience, Chennai after working with Prof. Ronojoy Adhikari. I've also worked towards Masters thesis at Center for Theoretical Studies at IIT Kharagpur.

Apart from UG teaching, I work on various (a) field theoretic problems and (b) particulate computational problems arising in soft materials at equilibrium and non-equilibrium scenario, scattered mostly in studying of fluctuation effects as well as response to external perturbation of isotropic and anisotropic materials.


Contact address:
Department of Physics, Asutosh College,
92 S.P.Mukherjee Road, Kolkata 700 026, India.