Mathematical Physics I (Practical)
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Study Materials
- Gnuplot in Action understanding data and Graphs - Phillipp K. Janert.
- Scientific Computing in Python - Abhijit Kar Gupta.
- Physics in Laboratory including python Programming (Semester I) - Mandal, Chowdhury, Das, Das.
- Introduction to Numerical Analysis - S.S. Sastry.
- Numerical Methods - Arun Kr Jalan & Utpal Sarkar.
- Numerical Mathematical Analysis - J. B. Scarborough.
- Elementary Numerical Analysis - K.E. Atkinson.
- An Introduction to computational Physics - T.Pang.
- Learning with Python-how to think like a computer scientist - J. Elkner, C. Meyer, and A. Downey.
- Gnuplot 5 - Lee Phillips.
- Python Programming - Satyanarayana, Radhika Mani, Jagdesh.
- Python 2.1 Bible - Dave Brueck, Stephen Tanner.
- Computatioal Physics problem solving with Computers - Landau, Paez, Bordeianu.
- Introduction to programming in python:
- Introduction:
- Using the python interpreter as a calculator.
- Variable and data types (int, float, complex, list, tuple, string, the type() function).
- Basic mathematical operations.
- Compound statements in python:
- Conditionals: if: elif: else:
- Loops for:, while:
- User defined functions def: [return statement, default values for arguments, keyword arguments]
- Importing modules with math and cmath as examples.
- Using online help.
- Basic idea of namespaces-local and global.
- Python scripts, I/O operations (including opening and writing to files).
- The python iterables data type:
- List:
- Defining lists,reading and changing elements from lists, slicing (with discussion on the
difference between ll=mm and ll=mm[:], concatenation, list comprehension.
- built in functions involving lists: range(), len(), sum(), min(), max().
- list methods: append(), extend(), count(), index(), sort(), insert(), pop(), remove(), reverse().
- Tuples: Contrast and compare with lists, packing/unpacking using tuples (including a,b=b,a to
swap variables).
- Strings: defining strings, the use of single, double or triple quotes as string delimiters,
len(), indexing, slicing, string concatanation, some string methods: strip(), split(),
join(), find(), count(), replace(), string formatting in python (using the % operator).
- Problems and applications:
- Problem 0: Observe and interpret the result of the following two scripts
- i=0; a=1; while a>0: i=i+1; a=a/2; print i;
- i=0; a=1; b=1; while a+b>b: i=i+1; a=a/2; print i;
- Problem 1: Root finding for a single variable (basic theory and algorithm).
- Bisection method.
- Newton-Raphson Method.
- Problem 2: Sorting of lists (algorithm, flowchart and code).
- Bubble sort.
- Selection sort.
- Problem 3: ODE in one and two dimensions using Euler algorithm
(output to be saved in data files and gunuplot to be used to plot graphs).
- Capacitor charging/discharging.
- Simulating a half-wave rectifier with a capacitor filter.
- Particle dynamics in 1D.
- Problem 4: Matrix operations using list of lists.
- Matrix Addition.
- Matrix Multiplication.
- Transpose of a Matrix.