Modern Physics (Special Relativity)
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Leisure ::
- Lecture 0. [Invitation to Special Relativity]
- Lecture 1. [Infamous Experiments]
- Lecture 2. [Einstein's Postulates]
- Lecture 3. [Lorentz Transformation]
- Lecture 4. [Mass-Energy Equivalence]
- Lecture 5. [Relativistic Dynamics]
- Lecture 6. [Relativistic Energy-Momentum]
- Lecture 7. [Collisions]
Numerical Problems
- When solving assignments, try to draw a neat & physical diagram of events and explain the symbols. Read the question
carefully and after solving the problem, frame and write a clear sentence of answer that is asked in the question.
- Michelson-Morley experiment, Lorentz transformation, time-dilation and length contraction, velocity addition rule.
- Relativistic dynamics, elastic collision between two particles, idea of relativistic momentum and relativistic mass,
mass-energy equivalence.
Study Materials
- Introduction to Special Relativity - R. Resnick.
- The Special Theory of Relativity - Banerji and Banerjee.
- Modern Physics - A.Beiser/Mani-Mehta.