Holography & Nonlinear Optics

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  • Lecture 0. [Point Holography]
  • Lecture 1. [Recording Process]
  • Lecture 2. [Reconstruction Process]
  • Lecture 3. [Volume Holography]
  • Lecture 4. [Nonlinear Susceptibility]
  • Lecture 5. [Chi-2 Effect, SHG]
  • Lecture 6. [Frequency Mixing]

Numerical Problems


  1. Will Be Updated From Time to Time.


  1. Holography: Principle of Holography. Recording and Reconstruction Method. Theory of Holography between two plane waves. Point source holograms.

  2. Introductory Nonlinear Optics: Origin of nonlinearity, susceptibility tensor, phase matching, second harmonic generation, Sum frequency generation, Difference frequency generation, Sum and Difference Frequency generation, for second-order nonlinear optical medium. Nonlinear susceptibility of a classical anharmonic oscillator in case of noncentrosymmetric medium.

Study Materials

  1. Optics - A.K. Ghatak (Chapter 21, 6th Edition).
  2. Fundamentals of Optics - F.A. Jenkinds & H.E. White (Chapter 31, 4th Edition).
  3. Optical Properties of Solids - M. Fox (Chapter 11, 2nd Edition)
  4. Nonlinear Optics - R. Boyd (Chapter 1, 4th Edition).