Solid State Physics I

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  • Lecture 0. [Invitation to Condensed Matter Physics]
  • Lecture 1. [Lattice and Basis]
  • Lecture 2. [Reciprocal Lattice]
  • Lecture 3. [Bragg's Law and Laue Equation]
  • Lecture 4. [Brilliouin Zone & Ewald Construction]
  • Lecture 5. [Mono/Di-atomic Crystal Vibrations]
  • Lecture 6. [Lattice Heat Capacity]
  • Lecture 7. [Crystal Bonding]
  • Lecture 8. [Ionic and Covalent Bonding]
  • Lecture 9. [VW, Hydrogen and Metallic Bonding]
  • Lecture 10. [Drude's Free Electron Theory]
  • Lecture 11. [Sommerfeld's Free electron Theory]
  • Lecture 12. [Band Theory of Solids]
  • Lecture 13. [Kronig-Penny Model]
  • Lecture 14. [Effective Electron Mass]

Numerical Problems


  1. Plasmon : Relaxation of the smallest (k=0) Fourier mode in 1D spin system.
  2. Watch the connection between π and prime regularities.
  3. Read about Hall effect for semiconductor.


  1. Crystal Structure (Solids): Amorphous and Crystalline Materials. Lattice Translation Vectors. Lattice with a Basis; Central and Non-Central Elements. Unit Cell. Miller Indices. Reciprocal Lattice. Types of Lattices. Brillouin Zones. Diffraction of X-rays by Crystals. Laue and Bragg’s Law and their equivalance. Atomic and Geometrical Structure Factor. Basic idea of crystal indexing: examples with SC, BCC, FCC structure.

  2. Elementary Lattice Dynamics (Lattice Vibrations and Phonons): Linear Monatomic and Diatomic Chains. Acoustical and Optical Phonons. Qualitative Description of the Phonon Spectrum in Solids. Dulong and Petit’s Law, Einstein and Debye theories of specific heat of solids, T3 law.

  3. Drude's theory: Free electron gas in metals, effective mass, drift current, mobility and conductivity, Hall effect in metals. Thermal conductivity. Lorentz number, limitation of Drude’s theory.

  4. Elementary band theory: Kroenig-Penny model. Band Gap. effective mass and effective mass tensor. Conductor, Semiconductor (P and N type) and insulator. Conductivity of Semiconductor, mobility, Hall Effect. Measurement of conductivity (4 probe method) & Hall coefficient.

Study Materials

  1. Solid State Physics - C. Kittel / N.W. Ashcroft & N.D. Mermin / Ibach and Lüth/ Philip Hofmann.
  2. Principles of Condensed Matter Physics - P. Chaikin & T. Lubensky.
  3. The Oxford Solid State Basics - S.H. Simon.
  4. Statistical Physics I-II (Vol-5 & Vol-9) - L.D.Landau & E.M.Lifshitz.
  5. Essentials of Solid State Physics - R.K. Puri & V.K. Babbar.