Mathematical Physics III (Practical)
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- Dirac-delta function:
- Numerically handling improper integrals over infinite intervals.
- Evaluate 1⁄√2πσ2∫e-(x-2)2⁄2σ2 (x+3) dx
for x = 1, 0.1, 0.01 and show that it tends to 5.
- ∫-∞∞ exp[-(ax2+bx+c)]dx = √π⁄aexp(b2⁄4a+c).
- Verifying that the convolution of two Gaussian function is a Gaussian.
- Verifying that ∫a-x1a+x2 δ(x-a)f(x)dx = f(a) using different limiting representation of δ(x).
- Solution of Differential Equation:
- 1st order & 2nd order Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) by scipy.integrate.odeint().
- Special Functions:
- Use of special functions taken from scipy.special. Plotting and verification of the properties of special functions.
Orthogonality relations and recursion relations. Examples,
- ∫-∞∞ Pn(μ)Pm(μ)dμ = δnm 2⁄2n+1.
- (1-x2)Pn′(x)+(n+1)xPn(x)=(n+1)Pn+1(x).
- z2Jν′(z)+νJν(z)=zJν-1(z).
- Solution of some basic PDEs:
- Boundary value problems. Finite discrete method with fixed step sizes. Idea of stability. Application to simple physical problems.
- Laplace equation ∇2φ=0 on a square grid with specified potential at the boundaries.
- Wave equation in 1+1 dimension: ∂t2φ=λ∂x2φ Vibration of a string with ends fixed with given initial
configurations: φ(x,0) and ∂tφ(x,0).
- Heat equation in 1+1 dimension, ∂tφ=α∂x2φ with specified value of temperature at the boundaries with
given initial temperature at the boundaries with given initial temperature profile.
- Fourier Series:
Evaluate the Fourier coefficients of a given periodic function using scipy.integrate.quad(). Examples: square
wave, triangular wave, saw-tooth wave. Plot to see a wave form from scipy.signal and the constructed series along with.
Study Materials
- Scientific Computing in python - Avijit Kar Gupta.
- Computational Physics problem solving with Computers - Landau, Paez, Bordeianu.
- Programming for Computation-Python - Svein Linge & Hans Petter Lantangen.
- Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations in Science and Engineering - L. Lapidus & G.F. Pinder.
- Spectral Methods in MATLAB - L.N.Trefethen.
- Limit Representation of Dirac Delta.