Statistical Mechanics (Practical)
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- Code 01: Histogram for various PDFs.
- Code 02: Calculate 4 raw-moment, central-moment, cumulant
(compare with theory, calculate L2 norm).
- Code 03: Uniform distributed RV to Exponential Distributed RV.
- Code 04: Box-Muller Transform.
- Code 05: Central Limit Theorem.
- Code 06: Auto Correlation Function (ACF) for various time-series.
- Code 07: Coin Toss & Binomial Distribution.
- Code 08: Single & Two-stage [M.L.Boas Math.Phy.,ODE(Sec-3,Example-2)]
Nuclear Decay using Monte Carlo methods.
- Code 09: Area of π
- Code 10: Monte Carlo Integration.
- Code 11: Mean Value Theorem.
- Plot 01: Histogram.
- Plot 02:
- Plot 03:
- Plot 04:
- Study of Random Numbers and Time series: Introduction to the numpy.random() module.
- Histogram (by matplotlib.pyplot.hist) and autocorrelation function of a given time series.
- Generating exponential variates from uniform variate using transformation.
- Gaussian variate from uniform variate using central limit theorem.
- Study of histogram and moments of random sequences of different probability density using numpy.random.
- Applications of Random Numbers:
- Coin tossing. Fit with binomial distribution.
- Nuclear Decay: Simulation assuming a constant decay probability per unit time.
- Random Walk:
- In 1D and in 2D (Square grid).
- Plot of r.m.s. value of end to end distance as a function of time step.
- fitting and finding of exponent.
- Monte Carlo Integration.
- Scaling and plots, exponents and parameters:: Laws and distributions from
Statistical Mechanics. Some Problems:
- Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.
- Bose-Einstein distribution.
- Fermi-Dirac distribution.
- Plot of specific Heat of Solids.
- Dulong-Petit law.
- Einstein distribution function.
- Debye distribution function for high temperature and low temperature and compare them for these two cases.
Study Materials
- Stochastic Processes in Physics & Chemistry - N.G. van Kampen / Handbook of Stochastic Methods - C.W. Gardiner (Basics).
- The Fokker-Planck Equation - H. Risken (Cumulant Matrix).
- Stochastic Methods in Neuroscience - Laing Lord. (Sec-1 By B. Lindner) (Conversion).
- Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics - F. Reif (Autocorrelation).
- Scientific Computing in Python - Abhijit Kar Gupta (Coin Toss).
- Introduction to Numerical Programming - T.A. Beu (Monte Carlo).
- CU Question Set for a few years.
- Raw and Central Moments.
- Sturge's
Rule of selecting Bins for a given sample size.